Humanities training has been and is one of the UOC's strategic bets since its inception as a basic training and as a industry mailing list to other more technical, scientific or business or communication-oriented training itineraries. Throughout this period, these studies have been transformed: we started with the degree in Humanities (1996), one of the first offered by the university. Then, and as a result of the adaptation to the Bologna process, the first degree in Humanities (2008-09) was released. And now, ten years later, with the aim of improving and industry mailing list it, we present the new degree in Humanities , which will begin to be taught this September 2018, with a deeply renewed academic industry mailing list, which is characterized mainly because : -
We offer a wide range of electives in industry mailing list subjects, such as Language and Literature, Modern Languages, History and Geography, Art, Philosophy, and Social and Political Science, and we also expand the European horizon with subjects on the history of America. of Asia and the industry mailing list world. - We offer 4 mentions: mention in Art; mention in Social and Political industry mailing list; mention in Philosophy, and mention in Literature. we transform the humanities new degree open university of catalonia We have created a degree in Humanities with a clear interdisciplinary vocation and focused on understanding our present industry mailing list and Heritage . We overcome the traditional “generalist” vs. “specialized” dichotomy with a program that offers a broad disciplinary perspective, while at the industry mailing list time focusing on specific topics.
In this way, the student approaches the industry mailing list experience from many perspectives — artistic, philosophical, scientific-technical, social, and historical — and does so from the analysis of specific cases and topics, treated with rigor and bringing together traditional disciplinary views and industry mailing list. An example of this is the transformation of traditional history subjects in subjects articulated around the holistic concept of world : Ancient world; Classical world; Medieval world; Modern world; Contemporary world. And also the industry mailing list of some literature subjects, such as the new Topics of industry mailing list Literature . We also work on the tools and skills needed for analysis and reflection in the face of a diverse and changing reality.